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Hundreds of Canadian early-stage high-growth companies are using their influence for good
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As PhenoTips grows and genomics increasingly becomes a part of mainstream healthcare, PhenoTips is determined to ensure that this will benefit all Canadians equally.

Orion Buske

Co-Founder and CEO



Founder: Orion Buske
Charity Spotlight: SickKids Foundation, CHEO Foundation, CORD

About PhenoTips and Orion
PhenoTips was inspired by a joint research project between founding computer scientists at the University of Toronto and geneticists at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids Hospital). While building a phenotype-genotype database, the research team discovered how difficult it was to use data from existing medical records at the time. The data they found was inconsistent, and unreadable by computer technology, limiting its usability. PhenoTips allows clinicians to provide personalized patient care through technologies that make complete, computable, and comprehensible clinical data.

The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility
At PhenoTips, the mission has always been to improve patient outcomes for those with rare diseases and inherited conditions. The team continuously looks for opportunities to empower and champion patients and clinicians, including ways to support nonprofits that align with their vision. There are three charities that are important to the team; SickKids Foundation, CHEO Foundation, and CORD.

A Common Mission
The alignment with these organizations has been a no-brainer. Supporting the advancement of rare and genetic disorder research reinforces the company’s core values, elevates the researchers and clinicians who are driving genomic medicine forward, and expands its application and availability to improve diagnosis and care. 

About PhenoTip’s chosen charities;
SickKids Foundation is a leader in the advocacy for the adoption of genomic medicine, as well as improving outcomes for childhood cancers and diseases. 
The CHEO Foundation support the CHEO Research Institute - a global leader in paediatric and rare disease research. Home to Care4Rare, a collaborative team of clinicians, bioinformaticians, scientists, and researchers, focused on improving the diagnostic care of rare genetic disease patients in Canada and around the world. The CHEO Research Institute makes discoveries to inspire the best life for every child and youth. 
CORD is an active leader in the efforts to improve the lives, and reduce diagnostic odysseys, of individuals living with rare diseases.

On the Horizon
As PhenoTips grows and genomics increasingly becomes part of mainstream healthcare, PhenoTips is determined to ensure that this will benefit all Canadians equally. Their CSR will focus on increasing access to, and improving the equitability of, genomic medicine, as well as championing the responsible use of genomic data. They hope to continue to leverage their growing platform by partnering with aligned community initiatives that advocate for better care for those with rare diseases.

Learn more about PhenoTips here

Learn more about CHEO Foundation, CORD, and SickKids Foundation


Jennifer Turliuk

Charity: CAMH

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Jacey Schnarr

Charities: New Leaf Foundation, Tree Canada, Girls E-Mentorship and Tree Canada

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Moez Bawania and Ally Ladha

Charity: Youth Without Shelter

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Fatima Zaidi and Erin Bury

Charity: Tech4SickKids

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Mehrsa Raeiszadeh and Mike Wood

Charities: Kars4Kids and Kidney Car

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Bridget Love

Charity: FoodShare Toronto

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Orion Buske

Charities: SickKids Foundation, CHEO Foundation and CORD

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