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Hundreds of Canadian early-stage high-growth companies are using their influence for good
Here's how

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The common theme of empowerment within the automotive community was essential when choosing our charities.

Mehrsa Raeiszadeh and Mike Wood

Co-Founders and CEO's



Founders: Mehrsa Raeiszadeh and Mike Wood
Charity: Kars4Kids and Kidney Kars

About MintList
MintList began as a partnership between automotive industry veteran Mike Wood and award-winning tech developer and operation manager Mehrsa Raeiszadeh. Their vision was to make what is typically a stressful and frustrating experience of purchasing and selling a car much more seamless. They saw the potential to affect change through technology. Founder Mike Wood explains “At MintList we are fixing an outdated, broken sales model by offering vehicle buyers and sellers a level playing field and competition”.

Corporate Social Responsibility
MintList is the first automotive technology trade and sales platform to make an equity pledge to the Upside Foundation. It was always essential to the founders to embed corporate social responsibility into their company's DNA. The idea of pledging equity with Upside was an obvious and easy first step. The team is extremely passionate about the automotive industry and enthusiastic about pledging equity to Kars4Kids and Kidney Kars, who both do incredible work in their respective markets.

A Common Mission
As a company, we look to act as a catalyst between buyers and sellers to simplify the process while providing greater value to both sides. This business model of empowerment within the automotive community was essential when choosing our charities.

About MintList's chosen charities;
Kars4Kids is a national nonprofit that facilitates the removal and selling of old vehicles and uses the proceeds to fund their year-round youth development and mentorship programs.
Kidney Cars allows individuals to sustainably remove unwanted cars. The proceeds from the selling or recycling of the vehicle are donated to fund life-saving programs for 1/10 Canadians suffering from chronic kidney disease.

On the Horizon
Going forward, MintList is looking to continue revolutionizing the selling of used cars and allow the functionality of purchasing cars. Through strategic partnerships, they continue to branch out into different cities and grow resources. The founders are excited about sharing their success with their community and chosen charities. They hope along their growth journey they will be able to continue to take part in mentorship and sustainability programs.

Learn more about MintList here

Learn more about Kars4Kids and Kidney Cars

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