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Hundreds of Canadian early-stage high-growth companies are using their influence for good
Here's how

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From seeing the impact that social programs had on my peers growing up, I was determined to contribute to improving the lives of children who need it most.


Co-Founder and CEO



Founders: Moez Bawania and Ally Ladha
Charity: Youth Without Shelter

AMLB and Moez Bawania
Moez Bawania co-founded (with Ally Ladha) AMLB to propel Canadian businesses to fulfill their potential; this purpose stemmed from his firsthand experience growing up around his family's start-up business. When his parents immigrated to Canada over 30 years ago they were excited to start a business to benefit both their family and society. However, similar to many founders, they focused on best serving their customers and growing their businesses but struggled to maintain financial health. AMLB operates as virtual CFOs, using their expertise to take care of financial management for small and medium sized businesses while allowing founders to focus on what they are passionate about.

Recognizing the Need First-Hand
Moez has always had a passion for volunteering with youth because of witnessing as a child of recent immigrants the challenges his peers faced, including domestic abuse, addiction, poverty, and bullying. He was able to see the importance of a strong support network and a safe, caring, and empowering environment where one feels supported and encouraged to take positive steps in life.

This is what drew him to Youth Without Shelter (YWS) as they use a strengths-based resiliency model, which focuses on building on the child’s strength rather than focusing on what they lack. YWS offers both an emergency residence and a stay-in-school program and provides a number of ‘wraparound supports’ to youth. Additionally, YWS is looking to tackle the root causes of childhood poverty and homelessness by investing in both policy and advocacy efforts. 

At YWS, Moez has been able to contribute in myriad ways, from painting rooms, serving meals, preparing holiday hampers (with his 4 and 2 year old daughters in tow!) to serving as a board member.

Team-Based Approach
Though AMLB has pledged its Upside, they also recognize the importance of giving back in terms of time and resources. To further embed social impact within their company culture they look to serve businesses that are important to their team. For example, several AMLB team members are from the Philippines and when they had a major typhoon late last year, they decided to support the recovery efforts there.

On the Horizon
As AMLB continues to grow, they intend to keep the prosperity of their communities core to all they do. They have included social impact within their processes such as internal and external communication and have KPIs to ensure they are meeting their targets. Moez expressed that he believes their success has come as a result of the environments that supported them, and they want to pay it forward so others can similarly be supported while leaving the Earth a better place for the next generation.

Learn more about AMLB here

Learn more about Youth Without Shelter

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