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Hundreds of Canadian early-stage high-growth companies are using their influence for good
Here's how

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Selecting an area of passion that resonates with the entire organization further connects them as a team and an inspires them to continue working towards a better future.

Jacey Schnarr

Founders and CEO



Founder: Jacey Schnarr
Charity: New Leaf Foundation, Ten Oaks Project, Tree Canada and Girls E-Mentorship

About Raised80s and Jacey Schnarr
Raised 80s was created with the vision of living in a world with an equitable economic landscape and workplace. The founder, Jacey Schnarr, was inspired to disrupt the current client and employee gifting process to make it more personable and sustainable. Through Raised80s helps corporate clients source gifts from diverse and ethical businesses, allowing brands to display their commitment to uplifting their community. Additionally, this mission gives the founder an opportunity to amplify the voices of new merchants, makers, and artisans.

Donating 2% of Revenue
Raised 80s have committed to donating 2% of revenues to charities they are passionate about including the New Leaf Foundation, Tree Canada, Girls E-Mentorship and Ten Oaks Project. These charities were chosen collaboratively based on input from the whole team. The common theme of their philanthropic work has emerged as empowering youth and the environment as these topics resonate with the entire organization. Jacey explained how it is important to ensure alignment on initiatives they all care about, further connecting and inspiring her team.

Their Partner Organizations
New Leaf Foundation supports young people in marginalized communities through programs, education, and resources that use mindfulness-based practices to address the causes and impacts of chronic stress. Their aim is to increase the mental, emotional, and physical wellness of youth and address the lack of equal access to resources that many young people in low-income and marginalized communities experience. 

Tree Canada is the only non-profit organization working Canada-wide to plant and nurture trees in rural and urban communities. They are hoping to educate Canadians on how to plan and sustain local canopy through programs, research, and engagement efforts. 

Girls E-Mentorship (GEM) was founded in 2012 from a vision that all young women should have the opportunity to succeed despite where they’ve come from or what barriers they’ve faced. They believe that women mentoring girls is essential in fostering the success of the next generation, and critical to creating gender equity in Canada.

Ten Oaks Project is working to help children, youth, and families from 2SLGBTQ+ (two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer) communities thrive. They offer summer camps and local programs all guided by their five core values: empowerment through play, learning by doing, social justice, collaboration and innovation, and people.

On the Horizon
Jacey and Raised 80s are consistently looking for ways to share their success with their community. Pledging equity via The Upside Foundation is another powerful way for them to do just that, while joining a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. Raised 80s are working on expanding its product offerings, and focusing on providing a platform for even more diverse small businesses.

Learn more about Raised80s here

Learn more about New Leaf Foundation, Tree Canada, Girls E-Mentorship and Ten Oaks Project.

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